But this attempt to drive the flight. Although the board has been installed in the period from 7 am to 12 am, when passengers are not more than 3: 40k. for landing and 40k. for each kilometer journey. At night, these amounts are usually increased in the order of 25%. This was a considerable sum […]
Taxi Business
Garcia Marquez
Macondo CONCLUSION is a full village of fantasies where the time it seems not to happen, where all the supernatural one can happen it surrounds and us in a full history of magical realism, where the deads appear and have a discussion with the alive ones, because magical realism? I say realism because this work […]
Maurice Nicoll
You say that you want a revolution Lennon/McCartney Without a doubt you it has touched to listen that we needed a change, that the things cannot follow equal, and more likely you agree. Perhaps nevertheless, like the majority of the people, you do not have idea of by where beginning. How to change what it […]
And although she is watching of profession, recognizes that in that ability is its work of director. RIDDLE Its work looks for to be in contact with the enemy with the world to perceive it, to interpret it and to be able to create a theater representation. But the theater also is like a good […]
Marc Bloch
This crystallization if of the one by means of the 6 sources, the vestiges and the marks that compose the historic site and is the result of the concrete action of the human beings in one determined time and space. Therefore, in its temporality the human beings produce its cultural and patrimonial marks voluntarily and […]
Environmental Contamination
Only that one that contributes to the future must right to judge the past Friedrich Nietzsche Every time encausamos us to our own environmental deterioramiento, is incredible as the vehicle with all the contamination which it generates every time is demanded by the people, even knowing the effects injurious that it causes, especially against the […]