In fact the man cannot live without drinking water or electricity; and if at the same time much less. It would be the beginning of the end of the world for human beings. This problem is exacerbated when at the same time we feel extremely heat or unbearably cold as separately is happening at various points of the globe in full year 2010 and 2011 apparently not even in their worst levels. On the contrary, in the world we are around 7 billion people and they say that fifteen years later we could get to the 8 thousand and a half million inhabitants. Since 1975, the demand for water in the world has been dubbed into full speed.
Occurs, harvested, and empties the wells of water, industrial plants, waters whose sources are becoming more difficult and expensive for their connections and bring it through channels or pipes thousands of miles to the cities. The needs of this liquid element, now scarce but indispensable and vital increases constantly. The lack of purified drinking water is a reality for approximately 7 billion inhabitants in the Earth. Every day 20 to 30,000 people die from lack of drinking water, it is estimated that a child dies every 8 seconds. In less developed countries the percentage of infant mortality report between 30 and 50% because of the lack of drinking water.
Incredible! Worldwide, 80% of cases of disease are due to the lack of drinking water and proper sanitation and hygiene: each year, lost 250 to 300 million days of work among others because of this situation. Every year, 2 to 3 thousand million are lost man-days (especially of women) fetching water to supply the needs of the House. Production accompanying this phenomenon loss is estimated at about 5 billion euros. In certain countries such as Bolivia, schools are closed in the morning during the dry season, because the children are going to fetch water for her family.