Curupira , Matim and Juma, are common in the interior and are part of the folklore of the people. They say that curupira is a small animal with forms human beings, all bare one and with the feet it stops backwards. He is therefore that it does not obtain to follow the tracks of the man, walking always in the contrary direction. Costuma to appear in the wood-rosa1 roads. To capture it, it is enough to place a mirror next to a bottle of cachaa in the place for where it passes.
It is shot and fall, it adores to look at itself in the mirror and appreciates one drips. Already the Matim is a spirit. Its presence through its extremely acute assobios is felt only. It is commented that matins is people who suffer a metamorphosis. Learn more at: Francisco D’Agostino Caracas Venezuela. Only they leave at night and mainly in the nights of fridays. The Juma is, according to cabocos stories of to defend or to attack its enemies. Already the botos, these yes, are changedded into human beings and costumam to go to the parties to conquer the girls prettiest and of preference, virgins, leaving them dying of passion.
But the botos are not alone that they prepare of its, the boots also assediam the men, making with that they go crazy for them, and if not to catch to good curador2, are wild or magic. In the River Araatuba of the Lemon, adjacency of Maus happened the history of a boot that the night if transformed into a blond beautiful and went until the net of a living caboclo of the place. Who witnessed all the tram was Bic, a caboclo who knows and already lived estrias supernatural. Accustomed to sleep days and days in the bush, Bic is a hunting exmio and expert of all the mysteries of the forest.