The Practice

Posted September 5th, 2016 by Tony. Comments Off on The Practice.

On these States of mind, can influence factors: your body posture, what you say to yourself / to internal images, with particular characteristics and frequency, that appear in your mental movie screen. In some ways, NLP has created an instruction manual of our brain, that allows you to manage all this. Dominate (does not mean control or deny) your state of mind in every occasion, in effect, allows you to address each particular situation, best way, is to have a job interview, or have to speak in public, or give an exam at the University or attend an important event, etc. NLP teaches how to better leverage your resources without delete none, but instead, make a learning, obtain a teaching of the The pain, the fear of negative emotions serve to understand, to be aware, to protect us from damage and not repeat mistakes in the future. Some people do not prove or even to leave his State of suffering because they are convinced, thus being in that State of pain helps them, and in part are right. There is a part of being badly that teaches us something, that aims to us perhaps motivate a change; There is a part of the pain that can be recycled or reused. The important thing is that not we become slaves of this suffering for days, months years!, and learn to use that lesson that offers us the suffering of that time to live better in the future. Analyzes the emotion that you are having, reflect and ask yourself / a: for example at this moment am afraid because I have fear? What creates this fear? Do I want to say this emotion? that utility does? That advantage I get with this? NLP is a model very useful and effective, to understand the human brain, marking the factors that can influence on our State of mind. You can leverage your resources to administer, manage and improve your state of mind, without denying them without doubt the practice of NLP can be useful for this and become a powerful vehicle to help you achieve improving your own quality of life starting from the inside.

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