In the communities of the interior (Vargem of the Cedars, Saint Maria and Orange grove), the interviewed ones need the natural resources to continue its existence, its production whereas in the coast in such a way in the Siri how much in the Pinheira the interviewed ones recognize the importance of the park, ' ' it is back in serra' ' , then it does not reach me, that is the limits of the park are always of another community, thus not ' ' podem' ' perhaps to affect the life of the community In Orange grove the interviewed ones are unaware of the importance of the park, to the cause are the isolation of the community, the difficulty in if establishing specific programs clarifying the importance of the Park. For these interviewed the perception of the park it is of the fine, of the other that determines the territory. For greater that is the difference enters the consisting territory of the park and the place of experience of the communities, is necessary to remember that they consist in overlappings of attributions that they need to be constructed with the communities. Thus, exactly that the cultural trace is the defining one of the relations with the way, the interviewed ones in the communities respect the new estruturaes given to the environment, since that if it respects its space of survival, its place. The idea that if makes of the Park Exists the park, but we do not have access it and what he has there.
They had created the park and exactly thus they are deforesting everything has until the quarry (mentioning a quarry to it next to the park in the mount to the Cambirela well next to BR 101). Because we suffer many restrictions, we cannot more construct. He could himself be created animals in the Park; before the Park caught little fire of what currently.