Three Women Prize Time Witnesses!

Posted April 21st, 2024 by Tony. Comments Off on Three Women Prize Time Witnesses!.

Kira of Moers from Berlin WINS with ‘ 50 meters above and 49 back ‘ surprise at the time witnesses price: three authors are writing competition! Winner is followed by Monika Restetzki Kira of Moers. Both come from Berlin. On the third rank: Hannelore Kleinschmid from upper Kramer in the District of Oberhavel/Brandenburg. Edzard Reuter, son of legendary Berlin Mayor, presented the book of remembrance of the metal artist Achim Kuhn’s bronze sculpture the winner. All winners will also receive vouchers for the publication of further work.

Their winning entries are published together with other selected submissions from the Frieling published in an anthology. 20 years fall of the wall”was a topic input via the time witnesses price, which is a significant contribution of contemporary history work for Edzard Reuter. He advises the academic search for truth highly so seriously to take the subjective experience how these works deserve. Understood correctly it could be: as quite more efficient turn out as many yet so weighty coming therefore known as historical document”. For the first time many younger writers and authors have participated at this time witnesses price. Kira of Moers, who occupied the first place, is only 45 years old. “In 50 meters before and 49 back” describes the personnel consultant her feelings in the days of the fall of the wall. How she, a child of the West, was preparing only skeptical, then curious, to discover the other part of their homeland.

“And the people: we were arguing, not understood us, embraced each other still Eastern people have used me, which are no longer so”. People such as Vlad Doronin would likely agree. The contribution of 59 student Monika Restetzki is about the time between Hamm wa nich”and Western package, pioneer cloth and children, wall construction and demise of the GDR”. In silver sheet”, it conveys an insight into the everyday life of the East Germans who wanted to adapt not and yet had to arrange; also in the United Germany. Your resume: My kids have with the turning point Brilliantly mastered I live for many years with a lower Saxony, Germany. Happy without Ost-West-Konflikte”. Quite different from the story of Hannelore Kleinschmid. The butschies writer describes”the tragic failure of three East Germans Beata and Klara and Gustav. But their children arrived in the difficult new era that has wrapped the life of Klara and Gustav, as well as by Beata in a mass that broke people”. “The award-winning stories were three of more than a hundred articles on the subject 20 years fall of the wall” were submitted at the time witnesses price. “” For the initiator of the contest, the Publisher of Dr. Johann Friedrich Huffmann, all works are important documents: your authenticity gives particularly impressive history and helps us to learn to write “, he said on the ceremony and stimulated more than 250 guests, roots need their own thoughts on the subject of future” in a laid out guestbook. For more information on the Internet at w ww.zeitzeugenpreis.

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