Garcia Marquez

Posted December 21st, 2013 by Tony. Comments Off on Garcia Marquez.

Macondo CONCLUSION is a full village of fantasies where the time it seems not to happen, where all the supernatural one can happen it surrounds and us in a full history of magical realism, where the deads appear and have a discussion with the alive ones, because magical realism? I say realism because this work of Mr. Gabriel Garcia Marquez focuses in the form that we lived the human beings, full of lust, without mattering to where we arrive with the deceit. To only satisfy our instinct animal. At present the cases are already very few of incesto but always we have thought that the disobedience to the laws of God brings with himself their consequences. I dare to shape my opinion without spirits of contender with the opinion of others, that the Melquiades personage is as if outside a person sent by God. Since it is the one who writes the life of this family, and aid to I complete Buenda to decipher that they were condemned to live to one hundred years of solitude, nevertheless we see that but affected by the solitude and even all, were the men of the Buenda family, This way the author gives us to understand that the humanity always has been in a repetitive circle of acts, that go against justice and the moral. Since if we practiced justice and the moral as he would have to be or as it is in the serious kingdom of God a beautiful world. In addition we can see in the civil wars and the fever of the banana tree subject that is stood out in the work, that the massacre of the banana ones was an atrocious fact that frame leaves from the history of our country.

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