Modular Buildings

Posted December 13th, 2016 by Tony. Comments Off on Modular Buildings.

This article is addressed to all those whose duty is to choose the provider of modular buildings. The choice, in the presence of even a few sentences (and the market is now saturated with modular buildings, and dozens of these proposals), are always complicated. What are the challenges? Price? Completeness? Experience? Production volume and number of employees? Volume of documentary material and color pictures? Oratory manager or director? Photos? – Is really hard. Administrative complex of the unit modules I think one of the main obstacles to resolving the issue customer modular building is that the current structure are separated, and the choice of exercises not-to-consumer division, which knows the technical and practical details, and the supplier, whose task is "close" request as cheaply as possible. The prerequisites for writing this article was constant opravdyvanie – "We are not an expensive product, we cheap of quality." "And here are selling for 60 rubles per pack, and you have it is worth 200!?" Let's see – what is the block-module, of which it consists, as the sum of its value and that first, second and third priority should be to pay attention. All modular building has a metal frame. Its description can be a long "high-strength metal, of cold, hot-rolled billet, welded Butt, primed and painted, and so on. " Important also in the frame is – its carrying capacity. Consequently, the configuration is set to blanks and cross-sectional area resulting from the design calculations and mark the thickness of steel quality and accuracy of weld joints (used equipment, or wire electrodes, the presence of overlap at the seams) treatment and protection against corrosion of the metal (the metal surface before priming should be degreased, and then covered with paint.

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