Real Estate Category

Posted May 11th, 2014 by Tony. Comments Off on Real Estate Category.

Recently, in connection with the rapid development of commercial areas, an increased demand for warehouse space. And because the purchase and construction of individual leaves warehouse expensive, and not all required, most companies prefer to rent them out. Lease of storage facilities on the one hand very beneficial, because it takes less money, but on the other hand makes the difficulty of choosing a warehouse with the necessary technical and functional characteristics, as well as an acceptable cost of the building. Especially the choice warehouse complex for beginners, for those who are forced to rent storage space, but has no information on the types, purpose and characteristics of the warehouses. Therefore, before the search stock is worth reading all necessary information on the subject. Storage space category 'A' – modern premises, built specifically to storage products using the latest technologies and compliance with all specifications.

In these warehouses provided the fire alarm system and automatic fire, and sometimes even office space within the building. Often in these areas have specialized equipment for cleaning of offices and warehouses. Storage space category 'B' – capital structure, mostly high-rise. Can be reconstructed into a warehouse, and may be initially constructed to storage, but more than 15 years of age. Often in such premises meet the requirements of infrastructure warehouse, but do not contain the necessary modern systems. For example, in the warehouses of the air temperature is not regulated, stable and maintains the set temperature, the majority of equipment is not automatic, but mechanical. Office space – there may be a range of services include cleaning of offices and warehouses. Storage space category 'C' – capital structure, traditionally industrial building or heated hangar.

Data warehouse meets the technical requirements only on the area, sometimes even in temperature. As a rule, there is no central system ., but the temperature does not exceed 15 C. Storage space category 'D' – it's a basement. not a heated room, not having virtually no what the necessary technical data. Depending on the category of store depends largely on price of rent, because it is taken into account not only technical equipment, and location. Warehouses categories 'A' and 'B' are often not far from the central trunk and have a good driveway and parking area. Warehouses category 'C' and 'D' is most often located entirely in any part of the city – usually outside the city limits or in an industrial zone. The cost of rent in these areas is much lower, but it is worth considering how such a room suitable for storage of goods, not whether it will bring losses. After all, if the building does not have the necessary technical data, it will lead to a deterioration of products, or to costs establishment of data values. For myself, you have to decide what is more profitable to rent a cheap storage space and re-equip it, or pay higher rent, but soon have at its disposal a great store. So way to consult the article, understand the parameters that need to pay attention, you can define a warehouse, which is the category you require and depending on it, start searching for a suitable option.

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