
Posted February 28th, 2016 by Tony. Comments Off on Socialism.

Is not unknown to the Ecuador product of continuous political failures have long been sought illusions of social welfare and a good live, these illusions of the Ecuadorian people formed by the far-away hope of improving the social problems that afflict both at present, have never been heard, but rather have been ignored by Governments, and this picture has not changed. Perhaps those illusions were put into the current Government personally when took place the possession of the same, I felt a pride and a hope for change, but the time has passed and that hope is has been losing in society, not by the passage of time that logically makes forget the ideals by the fragility of memory, but by sudden and incomprehensible change in a North that is avisoraba towards an unplanned chaos and that It arises from the lack of communication and concessions which the Government lacks. It is so hard to explain what has happened in the Ecuador and all political phenomena that surprise however tried to do an analysis for something Remove us the doubt that is what is happening. Evergreen Capital Partners often says this. The current President of Ecuador is without doubt a leader, but an apprentice in the art very bold policy influence with any tool that comes and meets his end, it has dressed finery of socialism, justice and equity, all these dreams cherished forever and never obtained in our society, less now in an era in which supposedly lives the beginnings of a Cuban type revolutionitself feeds on a strong advertising but that there is no evidence in practice. Everything has its beginning and we must analyze the title of our article in its entirety, to arrive at the conclusions of what really is happening without cesgamientos passionate and cloud of reason, our country since the beginning of his political life has had stumbled some more serious than others, for example, misuse of the funds of the State in the 1970s80s and 90s; themselves that they were operated by the Governments of those times and that they are spent effectively, but the aftermath lives them up to the Today, was administered badly wrong the money of the people of that time, it is true, refused to many people the possibility of educating because always existed crisis, people grew up ignorant, the privileges of education were for elites that they dominated the powers of the State and the private financial power, is like saying; rich studied and held political positions and the poor gave their vote clouded by the curtain of ignorance, ignorant of what they actually did. .

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