
Posted September 27th, 2016 by Tony. Comments Off on State.

Being I tie familiar to the base for the care and the socialization to it of the children and adolescents, the support ace families is essential to guarantee its basic rights, such as the absorption of ethical values and behavior, and its introduction in the culture and the society where they are inseridas.CONCLUSO the present article had as objective to analyze the importance of the family in the context of the ressocializao process and its implications, as well as the governmental support for making possible this process all, beyond standing out the importance of guiding of efficient form action that they make possible an understanding of the reality of the way and measures capable to prevent situations of risks by means of the development of potentialities and acquisitions of the reinforcement of familiar and communitarian bonds, of globalizada form, detaching the internal values, the moral references and affective bonds that influence of positive or negative form in the society. More info: Francisco D’Agostino. Therefore, the public politics must support the families in the fulfilment of its functions of care and socialization of its children, searching to promote the inclusion social and to search the overcoming of the vulnerabilities, being also necessary politics and come back actions to protect the children and adolescents when the bonds are fragilizados or breached, offering specialized attention systematic accompaniment in orientation programs, support and protection in the social context. However between the diverse found obstacles, still he is present the resistance for the development of the institucional services because the family does not become gift or she does not take care of the requirements of the institutions thus being, this effective effectiveness not. , What she considers yourself of basic importance in the process of ressocializao of these adolescents is the creation of a partnership between the State, the family and the society, finally preparing the family for the return of the adolescent in conflict with the law, through public politics that aim at the social protection, searching to surpass old actions and conceptions centered from the families.

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