We can only detract from clear that our first homeopathic doctors were doctors, graduates of some of the powers authorized in the country and a career after four years of postgraduate study (at the Homeopathic Medical Association of Argentina Buenos Aires), obtained Master’s degree in homeopathy. Origins of Modern Homeopathy The homeopathic method was developed in the nineteenth century by a renowned German physician: Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. From then, due to its high efficiency, low cost of their medicines (1) and total absence of contraindications and toxic side effects, has led the world in a huge social interest, being recognized by the European Union, USA and many other countries advanced in the world, so that many millions of people using such method (2 Importantly, that homeopathy also provides special attention to the emotional aspects of human beings, including special treatment for children in situations such as his first attendance at school, poor school performance, bedwetting, sadness, television addiction, aggression, self-imposed excessive, impaired memory and ability to understand, birth of a sibling, separation from parents, death of a grandparent, fears or traumas children, etc.. Through these premises and strictly following the guidelines of Health Fields , Argentina Homeopathic Medical Association (AMHA) and the German organization League Medicorum Internationalis homeopath Samuel Hahnemann, we intend to make available to the general public a close attention, efficient, pleasant and practice of such method that many consider the twenty-first century medicine. (1) For the fortunate absence monopolistic multinational laboratories. (2) According to the World Health Organization, in developed countries 48% of people use alternative medicines.
Moreover, a study for four years to materialize by Dr. Olga Angela Mutti National Hospital “Alejandro Posadas’ found that almost 80% of people consulted in the hospital, had used at any time for self-healing herbs This is consistent with universal statistics, ensuring that 80% of the world’s population uses these plants, knowing that there is greater safety, because they are natural products.