If you have during your eyes get tired, there are double vision, stinging, redness, or dryness of the sand in the eyes, if you become irritable, you pursue a sense of anxiety, worries or insomnia if you have chronic runny nose, stuffy nose or sinusitis; If you have "bags under the eyes, bruises or wrinkles, you just need this device! Massage points that are based on the latest research in the field of magnetism and the theory of acupuncture, help to solve your problem. The technology is based on the ancient technique of Shiatsu, and besides, combines magnetic and mechanical acupuncture to critical points located around the eyes. You wear glasses, fasten them with an elastic strap with Velcro, and then turn right level and intensity of exposure. Special probes with magnetic heads massaged around the eyes, relaxing muscles, removing irritation, and improving blood circulation. Due to the development of biophysics, which unites the achievements of physics and medicine, recently proved that the magnetic field exerts a great influence on human tissue, its organs, the nervous system, enzyme system and its own magnetic field. Acting on the acupuncture points can activate the metabolism, increase blood flow, oxygenation and nutrition of tissues and organs. These effects are widely used for treatment of various diseases. Impact provides the normalization of body functions and also stimulates the internal energy Qi.
But, first, the necessary points to be aware and be able to find. And secondly, be able to correct them influence. Learn more at this site: Bausch & Lomb. Of course, it would be better to entrust the acupressure specialist. To read more click here: Vlad Doronin. But the time to hike to it is never enough, and such services are not cheap. Modern solution – the massage.
The form of massage created by computer most closely matches the form of the periorbital area and locations of acupuncture points. The massager has 22 finger probe, made of silicone gel high purity, without having any side allergic reactions. At the top of each probe is located a plate made of magnetic alloy of rare metals. Micromotor, located inside the tumbler, is controlled by ic chip and provides the necessary acupuncture effects in different modes: 7 modes of classical Chinese massage! (Acupuncture, shiatsu, skroblenie, heartbeat, etc.). In the apparatus mounted computer scheme will achieve a profound effect relax – relaxation using digital music. Natural sounds of nature-gulls, the noise of the sea, the birds singing, etc. In the development of the instrument involved the American Center of modern computer technology with Chinese specialists in traditional medicine. The device combines the therapeutic effect of 4 different instruments: The effect of well-known points vision widespread and advertised in Russia (with holes in the lenses). The effect of stimulation biologically active points on the Chinese method. Magnetic effects. Sound Therapy relax.