The President admits that change is being done at maximum speed. To CiU, with whom PSOE and PP are negotiating to get a greater consensus on the proposal: reform has nothing to do with the territorial distribution of power. Zapatero says he is closer than ever to Rubalcaba. The President of the Government, Jose Luis […]
Posts tagged ‘noticias-actualidad’
In French stations, a sign warns: care when crossing the tracks, a train can plug to another train. On the Tour, could also alert: Beware, in the sprints behind a Norwegian can appear another Norwegian. In Norway, where there must be as many cyclists as bullfighters, there are two corridors on the Tour, and both […]
CM Capital Markets
Experts CM Capital Markets experts emphasized that, although the movements of the ECB are not accredited and the stage background on Greece is kept, simple rumors have served to encourage markets. They also pointed out that has sat investors well the commitment of Italy adopted the plan of budgetary adjustment of about 48,000 million euros […]