Conference Centre

Posted July 21st, 2016 by Tony. Comments Off on Conference Centre.

Once in a year, the Tubingen fairvesta Group invites their main distributor to report on current developments and the status of the Fund. Also in this year, where about 430 participants from several European countries in a Conference Centre in the vicinity of Stuttgart came in addition to the fairvesta management and the distribution maintainers. in Austria, of Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, France and the Netherlands active is fairvesta. Therefore the international partner congresses of fairvesta find bilingual, simultaneously translated in French and German, for years instead. Up to 1000 km easy ride took some participants is to be at the Congress here. “It is to assume that fairvesta in the European region the number one among the providers of closed-end Fund made in germany” is.

Otmar Knoll made the opening with his assessment of the development of the German real estate market. He pointed out that the current funding situation for the banks while purchasing of attractive Are but delayed sales this real estate relieved. There are no direct impact on the Fund but. In this regard, the fairvesta real estate specialist published impressive numbers: so the total portfolio is currently 156 building at 85 locations with a total rental area of over 300,000 square meters. To know more about this subject visit Isaac Dabah. This commitment is divided into 2030 apartments and 756 commercial units.

The production costs, so the purchase and closing costs, lie with 59,38 percent, well below the prospectus requirements. The same applies to the actually obtained rental yields, with an average of 10.74 percent. There are also product-side to report interesting. So, the fairvesta Mercatus VII stands GmbH & co. KG significantly before the official end of placement shortly before the off position. The succession Fund is already in the pipeline. Knoll is thanked in this context in its licensing partners, which acquired the amazing result of EUR 47.3 million in equity from January to August of this year. A special emphasis, however, on the presentation of the first fairvesta corporate bonds with different maturities, attractive yields and partial compensation for inflation. The capital preservation for the entire life of this product line is inherent in the system. This generation of products under a European MiFID is suitable to be sold throughout Europe. Future fairvesta license partners are working on par with bankers, because the consultation with bank-related products is possible”, said Knoll. In detail the fairvesta bond products with those from fairvesta real estate are apartment buildings, should be presented in detail shortly.

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