Control Panel

Posted January 11th, 2016 by Tony. Comments Off on Control Panel.

9 Regulation the level of artificial lighting depending on natural lighting in order to take advantage of the sunlight and reduce consumption of electrical energy. 10 Pint the walls of the environments of light colors, to take advantage of natural lighting. An extra tip: use latex rather than oil paintings paints. Latex paint releases less harmful vapors during the drying process. Scientists say we have to keep global warming below 2 C 11.

Care for the environment at work, is a great work 11. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Business strategist/Lecturer. Turns the computer and the screen during the meal and at the end of the day. Contrary to what many believe, screen savers don’t save energy. 12 Program on your computer screen that turns off when not in use. Do it from the Control Panel with options for screen protection. 13 Turns the lights when you leave the Office.

Do not turn on the lights that you are not using, leverages the zoning (on and off by areas). 14 Recicla and reutiliza paper. Reutiliza the white faces of printed documents. Photocopy (e) printed double-sided. Exist in the market for photocopiers and printers that allow it. 15. If you can choose, choose for laptops rather than desktops. Consume 5 times less electricity. 16. If you have to have a desktop computer, trafficking of which the display is LCD, since they consume less energy than common monitors. 17. Do not travel if really is not indispensable. Seize the phone, e-mail, skype, video conferencing whenever possible. 18. If you go to buy a new computer, that efficiency in the use of energy is the priority. Search Energy Star labels on products that you buy. 19 Reduci the brightness of your monitor: the brightest mode consumes twice the energy that way with less brightness. 20 Turns any peripheral that you don’t use, such as printers, scanners and speakers, when not are in use. If you’re going to carry, don’t forget to save! 21. The short journeys, hacelos walking or cycling. A journey by car from less than 3 km, pollute more because the engine is cold and its combustion is not optimal. 22 Seeks to move you by public transport, such as trains, subways or collective. 23. Avoid the airplane on journeys of less than 500 km. If really need the auto: 24. Coordina with family or friends to travel together. 25 Turns the engine at stops of more than 60 seconds. 26. Check the tyre pressure, since a minimal difference with what is right can increase around 5% fuel consumption. Original author and source of the article.

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