Cusco And Its Magic

Posted August 1st, 2012 by Tony. Comments Off on Cusco And Its Magic.

If between your plans this to visit Peru, from already is inevitable your passage by the sagrada city of the Incas, Cusco locks up enigmas that perceive many it of different form, only made be above by first you see this city, finally causes to the visitor the impression that this to a passage of one of the wonders of the modern world, MACHU PICCHU. Cusco recently had rains that caused damages in some ways of access to this important archaeological complex. Effects that, luckyly already are estan fixing. The beauty of the places of this part of the Peruvian hill country, causes in the visitor the sensation to feel skies of walks, where each step is a challenge, a realised dream. If you are loving of the long walks, of certainly you cannot be lost or the famous way Inca, or if you want something conventional much more, the sacred valley is the adapted place, places like, Maras, Moray, the Salineras, all the ways lead to the huge citadel of the Incas, Machu Picchu. All the nights, Cusco hopes to you with its discotheques with music worldwide, and if yours he is something but romatico, of certainly encontras places with melodies of the $andes.

The food is another detail that you you cannot lose, Cusco conglomerates food worldwide, gastronomy nowadays in Peru is reflected of many pre-Columbian cultures. There are then in Cusco many places to taste the best food of the world. Crafts is another factor that cannot happen unnoticed, this city is characterized by the high level of its craftsmen, works in silver and gold, that surprise own and strange. June is the jubilee month of this superb city, month in which very many foreigners come to be part of the celebrations of the celebration of the Sun, the Inti Raymi. Celebration that reunites in the esplanade of the archaeological complex of Sacsayhuaman to thousands of visitors who vibrate of emosion when appreciating this great event that year to year from time Incas is celebrated.

also, the months of May, June, July, August, September, October and November are lent to be able to enjoy greater tranquillity the magic these lares Andean Peru, since these months are droughts, and almost on a daily basis very sunny days are seen. Cusco, offers, dream places and mysticism, where the sounds of music it seems to talk with the mountainous but high tips of the orb. Cusco, city mustia that advances of hand of the joy of its people, magical city that it invites to the past without losing of sign the present, Cusco where ancestral and the modern thing meets with a cup of cocaine mate and waits for your arrival, in some coffee of this cosmic city of the Incas. Cusco hopes to you!

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