German Golf Association

Posted June 2nd, 2019 by Tony. Comments Off on German Golf Association.

More and more Germans find standardization of course permission for golfers playing pleasure in the Gulf. With increasing interest, the density increases but at the same time on golf courses. To yet one fl? a high enough “basic training” new golfers to ensure legitimate and safe operation of the game is required. This “basic training” represents the so-called golf course diploma. Basics of golf course diploma is the golf course diploma, called also court permission, ben? confirmed to play on the golf course, a golf club or golf clubs to d? sharpen. To obtain this handicap, each new golfer must be accompanied authorized trainer Golfers Association by one of the professional a round long on the golf course.

The Golfanf? nger a certain number of key must? gen not? crossing. It is located at 54 key? gen more than the par of the course, with a handicap of 54 key? gen. Dar? berhinaus has a theoretical PR? examination be filed, which asks for basic rules of golf playing. The DGV space maturation because the offer of different handicap PR? scientists h? often to Confusion run? hrt has, the German Golf Association (DGV) has created a standard based on the now numerous golf clubs in Germany. In collaboration with the professional golfers Association of Germany (PGA) has the SLA content f? r a qualit? developed a conscious and modern space permission, which the PR? fungsteile “Game on the square”, “Behavior on the square” and include “Theory”. With the game on the square, it is task of golf novice, nine L? cher to play, of which six will be settled.

During the course inspection the place is declared locally? rt. Since it is? about proper behavior already should be aware of before this Commission, this part is usually no trouble. The Theoriepr? examination consists of 30 multiple choice questions, which turn out as not too difficult, if you have worked through the preparation book with original questions recommended by the SLA. A Golf Club, his Platzreifepr decides? he gets to hold examination according to the criteria of the SLA course diploma, after signing a license agreement for courseware and PR? Fung materials available? gung set. The sovereignty of the Organization f? r PR? examination is coordinated by the respective Golf Club. So far more than 700 golf clubs and golf schools offer the DGV space maturation. Both the SLA and the clubs hope that with the introduction? currency the DGV handicap a secondary game flow on the golf courses of gew? can be ensured and golf beginners creates a certain amount of transparency in the area of space permit.

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