Hendrickson Dental

Posted June 13th, 2016 by Tony. Comments Off on Hendrickson Dental.

Healing place drill save 12 billion euro Luxembourg, September 2, 2010. A new health-care reform is and even after this reform, Germany will occupy top positions, because although the expenditure of the statutory health insurance for dental treatments worldwide are at the top, is the dental situation of German patients in a worrying state. Much very obviously not much good. Caries is a dietary, bacterial infectious disease and completely avoidable given the current state of the science. With a targeted prophylaxis nobody should suffer today more widespread disease. About 66,000 dentists in Germany but not interested, finally, no money can be make with healthy patients,”criticized Hendrickson. The costs of this are huge: alone the GKV spends annually more than 12 billion euros for dental treatment, around 200 euros per insured person.

A family of four could save annually thus 800 euro. Especially in hard economic times, an enormous Savings”as the author of Dorothea Brandt. Because although the expenditure on dental services extremely increased, the disease rate in periodontal disease increases more dramatically. If nearly everyone on dental diseases suffers, this clearly shows that the entire dental medicine has failed”, Hendrickson said. An effective prophylaxis is to finance with a much lower effort and gives you – not only in terms of teeth – significantly healthier patients.

However, not only the enormous savings should be an argument for a change in the statutory health insurance services: healthy patients must be the goal, patients without toothache, fillings, crowns, dentures and painful dentist appointment. The current therapy approach is only a mere tinkering. The cure is not provided at all”, explains Brandt. Repair of repair is a major cost factor, therefore, dentists come itself constantly new treatment needs at the expense of solidarity.

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