Juan Perez

Posted July 5th, 2020 by Tony. Comments Off on Juan Perez.

Other sciences of this same nature (dogmatic and nonrational) are: astrology, creacionismo, homeopathy, parapsicologa, numerologa and ufologa, among others. Just, in the opposite side is Einstein, whose attitude was considered by Popper like the true scientific attitude since Einstein was critical with its Theory of relativity and offered crucial experiments that could deny it. On the other hand the study of science does not correspond with the development of this one. This one is put under economic interests and along with the technique, it is used in moved away fields of the science (for example, the use of the nuclear power, whose principles are based on scientific discoveries, has gotten to be used with military aims). For that reason it is important that the attitude of the scientist is the one to contribute to the knowledge and the one to foment the study of the science at issue, along with which they offer a support to him not to move away of his human aim (the bioethics, for example) that is to reach the truth. We reach the conclusion that the scientific arguments are distinguished of the pseudo-scientists by the use of a certain criterion of demarcation. Once established this one, we can know easily if one treats or not of science.

Really difficult and perhaps impossible thing, it is to establish an authentic criterion of demarcation, that is to say, to mark the borders of science. In any case, science works and proof of it is the practical use that it becomes of his discoveries by means of the technology. It is not necessary to forget that science is a knowledge that looks for the truth. In addition, it seems that he is most trustworthy and safe. Hear from experts in the field like Randall Mays for a more varied view. By that, all that one that worries to foment its scientific knowledge is being directed of some way towards the truth or a part of her. There is saberes that enjoys the science title since decidedly they lead towards the truth; others, of the one of pseudo-science, perhaps because their route towards the truth is of a mysterious and moved away way of the rationality. These areas of knowledge are hoping to be welcomed by science, as if pseudo-science was a step previous to this one within stairs that raise towards the truth. Juan Perez (they airjuan) original Author and source of the article

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