The legacy left here will serve the interested parties in coming and reviewing its methods of education. ' is common in the half pertaining to school to hear phrases of the type; ' I do not support more mine alunos' ' , and many times the solution is sufficiently obvious? motivation and will to move. Conscientious of that this controversy is not corriqueira nor can so easily be decided, to have deveme them in mind that science is a humana production, result of a collective, dynamic, passvel work of errors and rightnesss, constructed historicamente and shared for more or less numerosos groups, throughout the time. The success and the failure of used scientific ideas in I benefit of the human progress do not depend only on the object of inquiry, the methods used in pesquisas and on the gotten results – they are associates to its historical moment. As the school is pautada to the fulfilment of schedules and I number to it of period of learning days, the faculty has commitment to win the planned pertaining to school contents for the school year.
Not rare occasions what if it sees is the failure pertaining to school, and not little pupils who only ' ' they pass of ano' ' , but of knowledge exactly they do not add nothing its cultural and or scientific luggage. In accordance with the National Curricular Parameters, the area of Natural Sciences includes branches of Astronomy, Biology, the Physics, Chemistry and the Geocincias. In Basic Ensino, the area of Sciences is contemplated in an only one disciplines pertaining to school: Sciences. Using old and rudimentary methods of teach-learning, schools are if limiting the acts of copies, questionnaires and tests with dissertativas questions and or of multiple choice. Ahead of the displayed one it is questioned: Ser that the pupils are understanding? Por that as much indiscipline? Qual the purpose of a mere copy? The answers to these questionings take the professor to think, to reason and to introverter the thought in order to reach the objectives longed for and applied during the lessons.