New therapy moves with leaking out bale toes right next to the classic problem of the wrong the big toe (hallux valgus), can dance also the smaller toes unattractive from the series. To straighten them out, were so far in a surgery tendons, joint capsules and bones in the correct position depending on the individual condition and 4-6 weeks with a fine wire splint, which is then more or less painlessly removed. In the special, also in Germany by foot experts Wiethoff and Erdogan offered alternative small implants newly developed for this purpose seemed now successful (SMART TOE) flat bones from the inside. They are fixed in local anaesthesia in the bone and must not be removed again”, so A. Erdogan. Even when a toe shortening, which often goes hand in hand with the straightening, this new procedure can be applied successfully. Toes artfully extend to short toes internal (bone Expander in form a bone rail in the foot) can be extended with new methods such as the so called callus distraction with the mini-fixator. Here, the bone in one place is severed, and the two parts in the next few weeks on a small set screw in tiny steps away from each other, so that the bone healing gradually bridged the gap.
Toes in top shape also a narrowing of toes is surgically possible: foot surgeons remove tissue on either side of a toe and thus creating a new contour. In some cases it may also be necessary, narrower to make the toe nail and nail bed. With natural hyaluronic acid, which is also used for the wrinkle injections in your face, toes can even contour and also “bolster up”. So-called “Webbed toes, if toes are ugly easily connected, can also be removed safely for the savvy aesthetic podiatrists with plastic surgery procedures. Small soft tissue in handles range at the base narrowing to bony corrections operation of slim foot depending on the clinical situation.
The experts decide which method is the best, personal investigation and view of x-rays. Shorten facelift for the feet and toes, extend, straighten, or reduce, removing splints and thorn warts, liposuction, for example, in the area of the shackles, where fat deposits interfere with the harmonious transition from the leg to the foot, under injection of sagging skin that unsightly strongly emerge the veins at the foot leaves, hair removal on your feet and legs, Botox for sweaty feet, webbed removing”between the toes, correction of unsightly scars or Hyaluronic acid injections as a first aid measure at pressure points: everything is possible with gentle techniques of aesthetic foot surgery today. The aesthetics of foot pioneers Wiethoff and Erdogan put special emphasis on the placement of incisions as inconspicuous places in addition to the restoration of form and function and work with specific grain-saving cosmetic suturing techniques. More info: Sabine Sarrach